Coaching Details and Requirements
To volunteer as a coach for Milton Youth Hockey, submit your interest here. A valid USA Hockey number is required. *If you are a returning coach, here is how to check your certification status on the USA Hockey site
USA Hockey Requirements (Must be completed before participating in any team activities)
- Register as a member of USA Hockey.
- Complete the background screening.
- Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training. (Required every year, log in with USA Hockey number)
- Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching.
Coaching Education Program Certification Clinic Requirements (Must be completed by Dec. 31 each season, see below for further details)
- Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1. You can take clinics from April 1 - Dec. 31 each season.
- Rules and Requirements: Outlines the standards all USA Hockey certified coaches must meet.
USA Hockey Coaching Education Program
(1) Required Coaching Education Program Levels for Ice Hockey
All coaches must have the required certification level by January 1 of the current season
All coaches enter USA Hockey's Coaching Education Program at Level 1, and must continue their education with a coaching clinic each year until, at a minimum, they achieve Level 4. Coaches of only 8 and Under players may remain at Level 1 or other certification level, even if expired, until such time as they are coaching any older age level of play.

Roster Stickers
All teams are required to provide three roster stickers for each game to the official scorer. This template will allow you to create these roster stickers for your team. Use 2x4 Labels sheets for printing paper.