Welcome to Milton Youth Hockey! We appreciate your support and involvement in town hockey.

Please check back before, during and after the season for updates. 

If you are new to MYH and want to join the program sign up below.

Send suggestions and comments to: info@MiltonYouthHockey.net. or click our member feedback button.

11 Mar

State Championships 2025

Congratulations to All our Teams At States This year!

Girls 10U Tier IV Champions

Girls 10U Tier III Large Champions

Girls 12U Tier III Large Champions

Girls 12U Tier IV Semi-Finalists

Youth 10U Tier IV Large Semi-Finalists

Youth 14U Tier IV Large Finalists

Youth 14U Tier V Qualifier

Youth 18U Tier IV Finalists

9 Mar

2025-26 Season Tryouts

Registration for the 2025-26 season is open for Co-ed and Girls Travel.

Tryouts will be held at the U. You must register on the site to tryout for Co-Ed or Girls Programs Area.

Co-Ed Travel

Girls Travel

 Monday 3/24

5 PM Mite A-G

6 PM Mite H-M

7 PM Mite N-Z

8 PM Goalies (Midget/Bantam)

Tuesday 3/25

5 PM Goalies (Mite, Squirt, Pee Wee)

6 PM Girls U10/U12

7 PM Girls U14

8 PM Girls U19

Wednesday 3/26

5 PM Mite N-Z

6 PM Mite H-M

7 PM Mite A-G

Thursday 3/27

*5 PM Girls U10*

6 PM Girls U12

7 PM Girls U14

8 PM Girls U19

 Monday 3/31

5 PM Squirt A-K

6 PM Squirt L-Z

7 PM Bantam A-K

8 PM Bantam L-Z

Tuesday 4/1

5 PM Pee Wee A-G

6 PM Pee Wee H-M

7 PM Pee Wee N-Z

8 PM Midget A-L

9 PM Midget M-Z

Wednesday 4/2

5 PM Squirt A-K

6 PM Squirt L-Z

7 PM Bantam A-K

8 PM Bantam L-Z

Thursday 4/3

5 PM Pee Wee A-G

6 PM Pee Wee H-M

7 PM Pee Wee N-Z

8 PM Midget A-L

9 PM Midget M-Z

*Updated Time*

5 Sep

Posting Game Scores

SSC Coaches and Managers - Please post any winning scores to this form: SSC Score Form Submission

For MYH: Please enter your game scores on our Crossbar site when you can. On your Team Page, go to Games, there is a "Score" icon under the Game time. Select the edit icon and you can put in the score of the game.

We are excited to follow our teams this season!

5 Sep

Crossbar Account Help or Missing Emails

Hello MYH - For any issues with your Crossbar Account or if you think you are missing emails from us. Please use the dedicated built in Crossbar Help Chat Function to start. Click the Chat Bubble on the bottom right of the screen.

Also - Don't "Leave" the Club! If you do or your account says you aren't joined with Milton Youth Hockey, you will not receive emails from us.

5 Sep

MYH Fundraising Committee

Over recent years, the costs associated with operating the Milton Youth Hockey program have increased significantly. The biggest cost for the program is of course ice time, and with ice costs rising, particularly at Ulin, the program is looking for ways to offset these increases so that the program can continue to offer the same level of practice time, skills, and bonus ice that we know is valued by our families.

We know there are parents out there with the creativity, passion, and skill set to take on fundraising activities on behalf of MYH. This is a call to those with experience in event planning, merchandise sales, and partnerships/sponsorships. We are looking for volunteers to join a small fundraising committee to create a fundraising plan and then support the execution of that plan to help us meet our goals as a program. 

If you want to volunteer you can register on the site.

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